Food for Thought: Savor the Season
Healthy eating tips and tricks from our own Weis Dietitians.
As nutrition experts, we know that small changes in your food choices can add up to big health benefits, but it can be challenging to know where to start. The good news is that the Weis Dietitians are here to help! This year we launched our Be a Better You campaign, which focuses on six healthy lifestyle habits that can make you feel better and therefore, be a better you. Our last habit of the series is to Savor the Season!
The holidays come with mixed emotions and hectic schedules, so prioritizing self-care is an absolute must. Below are some practical tips to help you fully savor the season and end the year as a better version of you.
Connect with friends and family: Connection is vital to our health and well-being. Studies show that people who connect with others regularly are happier and healthier, possess a more positive life outlook and have a longer life expectancy than those who do not socialize or connect with others.
Move your body: Movement is a wonderful way to get in-tune with your body and enjoy time alone or with a friend. It also brings countless health benefits including reduced stress and blood pressure, improved mood and better sleep. Be sure to prioritize movement in a way that is supportive of you this holiday season!
Rest, rejuvenate, and reflect: Get enough rest and prioritize down-time and “me time” as much as possible. It’s also a great time to reflect on the past year and think about your goals and plans for the year ahead.
Eat intuitively: Intuitive eating is about rejecting the diet mentality (all-or-nothing, good/bad food thinking), honoring your hunger and making peace with food and your body. It can be practiced all year long and offers so many health benefits!
Express gratitude: Expressing gratitude is both mood boosting and centering, which allows you to fully savor every season throughout the year. It also improves the appreciation you feel for your body, life and others. Consider keeping a journal to track what you’re grateful for, or try a joy journal where you list one thing daily that has brought you joy!
Volunteer or help another: The act of giving or donating increases your happiness and self-esteem, reduces anxiety, lowers stress and has a positive impact on others. Donate to a worthy cause, volunteer for an organization you’re passionate about or bring clothes/items to a donation center for an instant boost.
Happy, healthy holidays and cheers to a better you!